Monday, November 3, 2008


Have you voted already?

Please make sure you are at the polls tomorrow. I am not writing this to sway you one way or another. Vote for the candidate you feel will best serve our country. Think about how you want the next four years to be. Don't think about the past four, that is behind us. Choose someone who will give us the best four years and thus make the years after that as productive as possible for the environment, business, families, individuals and the world.

This election is extremely important to all of us. You can't afford to not vote. I feel this one will be closer than most people think and your voice counts. So get out and make your voice be heard. If you don't, (this may sound harsh, but I believe it) then you have nothing to complain about over the next four years when it comes to how our government works.


Happy Voting Everyone!

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