I know the title of this blog is COAdventure, and most of my postings lately have been outside the realm of my adventures. However, work sometimes gets in the way.
I've been very busy the past couple weeks with the December issue of our magazine. Not only is it a "re-cap" of the years products and trends (source list after source list, arghhh), but I also had five financial big wigs to get photos of for our "Forward Thinking Five" section. Working with four photographers around the country I was able to schedule everyone in and stay within budget to get it done. A very fine balancing act. I think it turned out good. Goes to press tomorrow, so we'll see.
Above is the cover for the December issue. Peter Wallison, with the blue background, would have been McCain's Treasury Secretary had he been elected. Big names in the financial industry!
On a lighter note. Melis and I went on a great Mtn. Bike ride this past Sunday just south of Boulder in the Marshall Mesa/Community Ditch trail area. Great weather and spectacular views of the Flatirons. A basic ride with some fun downhill, nothing too technical which was good for not having been in the sadle for a while. I'd have some photos posted already, but still trying to find where I put my camera. Hopefully it'll turn up soon and I'll get them online. Also have some video footage from my helmet cam. Got to edit it down and add some tunes to it. So that may be a while before you see my skillz from my pint of view.
Enjoy your Wednesday!
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