I have decided to get a fresh start on life.
With the worsening economy, print publications going down the drain and my itch for adventure, I have pulled together all my savings, the $50.23 that is left in my 401k plan which I contributed to over the past six years, sold off my iTunes collection to a 95 year old grandmother in Iowa and packed up my belongings.
"Brazil or Bust!," my sign said as I stuck out my thumb along I-25 in Denver. I got some strange looks, a dollar from a guy in a shiny Beamer, and no ride. So I turned to DIA and a 10 hr flight to Macapa. There goes the cash from my iTunes transaction.
After arriving in the wet city of Macapa, I decided to hoof it into the jungle and see what I could see on the way. From thousand foot waterfalls of
Guarna to 20 inch tall
nuts that fell from the canopy and made my stomach turn when I ate them to bright
orange flamingos that followed my every step, I saw it all.
After 39 days and 39 nights of trekking through inland Brazil, I arrived at my destination – Sugancuan Transhumance (Stilted Pasture Hut).
ST, as I like to call it, will be my home now. Similar huts are used as temporary shelter by local people, but I will be taking up permanent residence in mine. My 401k withdrawal should cover rent for a couple years. I'm like a king here!
There is no internet access, but the cell phone signal is phenomenal. Even better than when I lived in Denver. So I will blog and text via Verizon. I've actually set up a contract with Verizon as supplemental income. Every time I mention Verizon in my blogs, I get a dollar, Verizon. So at this Verizon rate, I should be able to save up for another Verizon year at Casa de ST very soon. Verizon.
Well, that's it for now. I need to head out for a
Giant Peccary hunt this evening. They taste great in a Shepard's Pie. Everyone is more than welcome to visit at anytime. Just bring along your blow darts and a few songs for my iPod would be appreciated.
Signing off from the ST - Adeus e tenha um bom dia