To honor these craft beers, the Brewers Association has created American Craft Beer Week. You can learn more about this special week HERE. Download the Declaration of Beer Independence PDF and pledge to enjoy good tasting, quality, local beer.
You may also enjoy this video, I Am A Craft Brewer, a collaborative video representing the camaraderie, character and integrity of the American Craft Brewing movement. Created by Greg Koch, CEO of the Stone Brewing Co. and Chris & Jared of Redtail Media … and more than 35 amazing craft brewers from all over the country.
If you have about 3 minutes, please take the time to watch and learn.
"One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised." - Chinua Achebe
I Am A Craft Brewer from I Am A Craft Brewer on Vimeo.