Now, I know this blog is primarily about my adventures in Colorado, but I felt compelled to post this entry, written by Mank. He does a good job of summing up the race for Prez so far.
Enjoy! ...
By Mank
I was just waiting for the McCain Campaign fall-out. It seems inevitable, and it seems as if it is upon us. I am still worried that he could take this thing.
Every turn in momentum proves to be worse than the last. It seems that campaigns get 2 to 3 weeks of good numbers in a bounce and then swing back down while the others swing up. We have 40 days to go. Obama can avoid that, I think, by driving hard and fast and not budging on messaging. He has found McCain's soft spot, now he has to go at it. Clinton found it in '92, remember: "It's the economy, stupid."
According to some data, 90% of Americans think the Friday debate should go on... I have to think that McCain over-played his hand and reeks of desperation at this point. They are also trying to avoid the Palin debate, and rightfully so, if you have seen any of her interviews. Even Sean Hannity couldn't make her look prepared, and that's saying something.
Also, I think Palin has marginalized the Campaign's message (or lack thereof, depending on who you ask), because she cannot deliver it honestly. As McCain and his cohorts scramble to keep up with issues they make gaffe after gaffe, and with the microscope firmly on Palin, everything appears 10x as worse. And, it is not because of her personally sordid past, purported extra-marital affairs, questionable judgement, or parenting. No, it is because she is new and running for the biggest office in the country and the public deserves to know about her record. Her record. Not the record released by the McCain media team. Only hope America is really paying attention to what is being revealed.
As a note, the Obama campaign letting Palin do herself in when talking and also by her not talking to the press will be one of the truly deciding factor in this election. Things that political junkies and wonks live for. Sure it will be the economy and the war, but the strategy behind Obama's political maneuvering will become that of legend, should Obama win. This perhaps being their finest choice. After all, the election is about John McCain.
The McCain/Rove election strategy of running on "personality" could be seeing it's last days of effectiveness. Though I didn't think they should win on that issue either, it certainly plays to folks who do not pay as much attention to the issues, who have closeted racism, or just plain like John McCain. Now that the campaign is [inevitably] back on the issues, Obama and Biden have a clear advantage, if only Biden would stop giving terrible soundbites.
I sincerely hope that Obama can keep them on the ropes with direct attacks and concise messaging. Bring up Keating 5 and de-regulation, bring up McCain's ties to Fannie and Freddie Mac, bring up his houses and cars, bring up his voting against the immigration legislation that he co-sponsored, bring up his terminal hawkishness on war, bring up his wish to alienate Russia and create a new cold war, bring up his habitual poor decision making. Bring it all up. Issues, Issues, Issues.
With personality as a secondary factor [and the McCain campaign grasping for straws], the general public could possibly view the ticket much differently. Allowing McCain and Palin's personalities to appear directly reflective of their ticket's standing. No longer a "Maverick war-hero" and "Washington outsider Mother of five". They will appear as they are: McCain as old and tired, indignant and irrational man with judgement that is highly questionable. For Palin I think the judgement will be less harsh, written-off more as, "Well she seems like a nice lady, but I don't really think she has what it takes to be vice president/president. But good for Alaska."
Get out and vote and mobilize those around you.
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